Shattered Concrete Distribution

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Shattered Concrete Distribution

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On the Distributions Page there are four graphs. The first graph shows the percentage of shattered concrete which represents the area of the pavement that needs to be repaired because of structural failure. If continuously reinforced concrete has been selected as pavement type, the structural failure means punch outs. If plain or dowel concrete has been selected the structural failure means broken slabs. There are two curves in the graph. The black one shows frequencies. The percentage of shattered concrete is indicated on the horizontal axis. The frequencies of incidence as obtained during simulation, in %, are shown on the right-hand vertical axis. The other curve - the red one - is a 'greater-than' curve. Its ordinates, measured on the left-hand vertical axis, indicate the probability of a percentage exceeding the value selected on the horizontal axis. The red curve can be used to determine the confidence intervals for the percentage of shattered concrete.