Decision Variables

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Decision Variables

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There are six decision variables, namely


% shattered concrete (%SH)

% pumping (%PU)

% faulting (%FA)

Crack spacing (X)

International Roughness Index (IRI)

Life cost (LC)


Note: Crack spacing is applicable to continuously reinforced (CR) and Ultra-Thin Continuously Reinforced (UT) concrete pavements, rather than % faulting.


The decision variables represent adverse consequences of a pavement design. The first five - shattered concrete, pumping, faulting, excessive crack spacing and roughness - are called pavement afflictions.


After a completed simulation run, the values of the relevant decision variables appear both on the meters (except for IRI; see the Control Page), and also in the table of output items that is situated on the right-hand side of the Facts Page. Detailed information on each decision variable, expressed as a probability distribution, is contained on the Distributions Page (except for IRI). In addition, the likely escalation of a decision variable over time is shown on the Build-ups Page.


The values of the above variables should conform to certain decision criteria. If they do not, the designer should change one or more input items, to induce compliance.